10 Fun and Simple Homework Strategies for ADHD

It’s almost the end of the school year, and I’m sure the pressure to complete homework and get all those assignments turned in are feeling like a lot of pressure! If you have a child with ADHD, the homework battle can be tiring, frustrating, and create power struggles at home. An important piece to remember is finding ways to make homework fun, ways to switch it up, and keep it positively reinforcing. It does not have to be a struggle every time! Here are ten simple and fun homework strategies to try:

1. Use colorful pens or markers:

Encourage your child to use different colors for notes and highlighting important information. This can help to make homework more engaging and visually stimulating.

2. Incorporate movement:

Children with ADHD often have a lot of energy, and sitting still for extended periods can be challenging. Encourage your child to take short breaks to stretch, dance, or do some jumping jacks to release some of that energy.

3. Use sticky notes:

Sticky notes can be an excellent tool for helping children with ADHD to remember important information. Encourage your child to write reminders or key points on sticky notes and place them in visible places, such as on their desk or computer.

4. Try different types of homework:

Mix up the type of homework your child does to keep them engaged. For example, they could practice spelling by writing words in shaving cream or play math games online.

5. Set achievable goals:

Help your child set achievable goals for each homework session. For example, completing one page of a reading assignment or practicing math problems for ten minutes.

6. Create a study group:

Consider creating a study group with classmates or friends. This can be a fun way for your child to work on homework and learn with others.

7. Use technology:

There are many apps and tools available that can help children with ADHD to stay organized and focused. For example, the Forest app helps users to focus by planting virtual trees that grow when they stay focused and die when they leave the app.

8. Take breaks:

Encourage your child to take short breaks between tasks to recharge and refocus. This can help to prevent burnout and increase productivity.

9. Use positive reinforcement:

Praise your child for their effort and progress, not just their results. This can help to build confidence and encourage them to keep trying.

10. Make it fun:

Above all, try to make homework fun and engaging. Incorporate your child's interests and hobbies into homework assignments to make them more exciting and meaningful.


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